
Summer and Fall, 2008

Every year flies by faster than the last. I started noticing this phenomenon when I was in college, and it is no less true now that I am married and have children. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time to do all the things I want to do, to send that thank you note as soon as someone does something thoughtful for me, to keep that little curl from baby’s first haircut in her baby book. “Baby” is now almost 10 years old and her baby book, although admittedly more complete than those of her 6 younger siblings, is nothing to brag about.

This summer (starting with the spring, really) I took lots of pictures and even downloaded most of them onto my computer, with the idea that I would post them here on my blog to share with the world, or at least with that part of the world that might be interested in the happenings at our little house on the prairie.

Here are some of the things that happened during the warmer months this year. Pictures will have to come later, as something on my computer won’t let me do anything with the pictures I have downloaded, and won’t let me download any pictures that are on my camera:

We painted the house yellow. By “we” I mean my husband. By “yellow” I mean “Fairy Lily” Colorplace paint from Walmart.

We cleaned out the back room so the kids would have a place to play. Again, by “we” I mean my husband. I went through some boxes and threw a lot away and found new homes for some things, but he has a keen, organizing mind and I stand in awe that he could go into the already full room with boxes and boxes of “stuff” and a couple of hours later come to me and say, “Come see,” and I behold a clean (vacuumed, even!) floor, walls lined with shelves and a sewing table by the window with my sewing machine set up and ready for Christmas sewing projects! Ian, you amaze me!

Annie (5) and Lucy (9) learned to ride bikes on a dirt road with no training wheels.

Margaret (8) can ride a big bike and made her First Holy Communion in May.

Ian & I took Maria (10 months old at the time) to New Jersey for the Catholic Marketing Network conference. We spent a day in New York City and a night in Boston with my sister, who is a Daughter of Saint Paul. It was a fun vacation. The rest of the kids stayed with Ian’s parents here in Colorado. They had a great time with their grandparents, and we are eternally grateful to said grandparents for their generosity.

At some point I took a big box of peaches and made pie fillings to put in the freezer for some special winter or spring party. Yum. I was going to do the same with apples with my Mother-In-Law, but the apple crops in Colorado were ruined this year. Oh well, maybe next year.

I am sure we did more, but my poor brain can’t think of anything else at the moment. I’ll post more when I remember and when I can get at those pictures!

Summer Part IV: Antonito

Our final day on the road took us to Antonito, and the oldest Catholic church in Colorado, Our Lady of Guadalupe.

This was very curious. The bell tower was aparently infested with bees.

Can you tell what object in this picture just doesn’t seem to “go” with the rest? One of these things is not like the others….
Beautiful stained glass.

We drove home after visiting this beautiful old church. We had a great vacation and hope to see more of our country next summer.

Summer Part III: Mesa Verde

The next day we went to Mesa Verde.

The dancers demonstrated traditional Indian dances.
This man explained some of the dances and traditions of his people, and told funny jokes.

Here are some of the famous ruins of the Mesa Verde area. You could not live in these dwellings if you were claustrophobic.
This photo was taken from the van across a chasm.
Amazing how these ancient people built these dwellings.

Our last night on the road we had an indoor pool at the motel: