
Irish Dancing Season

Last night we took our kids to an Irish Dancing recital in which our three oldest daughters participated. I went backstage with the girls to make sure they got to the right place and didn’t lose their costume parts while Ian kept the littler kids in the foyer waiting to be let into the auditorium. We had to be there an hour and 15 minutes before the show started, so the littles got a little restless. Thankfully we were allowed to go into a hallway next to the foyer where the kids could run around a bit.

We were able to sit in the third row, behind 2 taped-off rows, so we were able to get a good view of the dancers.

The show was incredible. It lasted two hours and many of the dancers did not have a break between numbers. This was the first such show our girls have ever been in, and they were pretty tired by the time the it was over.

This show was enough to make us all want to sleep for the whole weekend, but GUESS WHAT!!!! The show was just the beginning! Today we have a parade to be in (the girls, not me), and two shows afterward (one in a different town).

BUT THAT’S NOT ALL! I am very glad we don’t have any shows on Sunday, but Monday at 7:45 AM begins a grueling day. The girls have 3 performances back-to-back at three elementary schools, followed by an hour-long drive to another town for another show, after which we will eat dinner out and come back home and fall into bed. I hope we make it.

BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! On Tuesday the girls have two more performances, to which their Grandfather will take them. They said (at the dance school) when we started there in the fall, that St. Patrick’s day and the days surrounding it were big, but we had no idea.