
How Did We Go From Leaky Sink to Total Kitchen Remodel?

A few weeks ago, we noticed a bump in the kitchen floor. No big whoop, it was probably just a result from the house settling or something. A week later, the bump was squishy. Uh oh. Yup, something leaked (either the sink or the dishwasher) UNDER the vinyl, so it wasn’t immediately apparent that we had water damage. The vinyl was torn out to reveal that the subfloor and wall behind the sink cabinet were soaked.

Robert & Luis cut and removed the damaged drywall, as well as the wet insulation.

Guess what? the built-in pantry cupboard was in the way! It had to be removed (and replaced because it was damaged) too!

The island had to be removed, so we asked if they could just put the electrical outlet in the floor and we’ll replace the island with something bigger and easier to clean.  Maybe a stainless steel work station like in a restaurant kitchen.

The sink cabinet has to go, too, so why don’t we just remove it completely and replace the floor under it all the way to the wall? Ian found a 3-basin restaurant sink , so let’s put that in instead!

Big, noisy machines were brought in and plugged in to blow the floor dry enough to make an assessment: Part of the subfloor must go! Here Drew is cutting out the damaged subfloor:

Since the vinyl was all one huge piece, from the kitchen, through the mudroom, and including the big bathroom, and it wasn’t glued down, ALL of it had to be removed, and it ALL had to be replaced.

Ian & I took out one more small cabinet that was next to the stove as well, so the new floor will go all the way to the wall and we’ll replace the cabinet with a rolling cart.

We painted the wall behind the sink to match the rest of the room, since there won’t be a cabinet in front of it any more.

Bob & Jaret are gluing in the new floor here.  They came the day after Drew:

The bathroom is done! Just have to replace the toilet and trim:

We like the look so much , we might just leave these on the porch.  Maybe set them up on cinder blocks?  Plant some petunias in the porcelain bowl?

The Colorado ResCon guys were really taking the time to lay the floor perfectly and match up the seam in mudroom:

Jaret made the effort to slice invisible slivers from the edges of the flooring so that no one could tell they weren’t one continuous piece.

Day 2: Workers were on the job half an hour BEFORE they said they’d even be here!  By 10:45 they were done!

Next: Tomorrow at 8 AM the plumber comes to install this baby:

Sink, Beautiful Sink!

Stay Tuned!